Revised 2009.7.7
A Short Biography of Takeo YAKU

Takeo YAKU is a professor at Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences. He had been working for Tokai University (1976 - 1985) and Tokyo Denki University@(1985 - 1992).

Professor Yaku's reserch theme is information structures of visual languages based on cellular automata. His interenst includes human interface of programs, program developing systems. His interest also includes cellular automata and graph algorithm theory. His research goal is to design unified tree and grid diagram processing engine based on formal methods such as graph languages. His current approach is the development of visual language processing systems based on tree structured and grid structured cellular automata. The systems are applied to program visualization in computer science education tools and to tabular processing in computer graphics.

Professor Yaku's results in tree structured program visualization methods have been employed in software development by ICT engineers since 1980's, and were referred in Japan Industiral Standard (JIS X 0130) in 1995. He is now developing  information structure of grid structured diagrams.

Professor Yaku was an editorial board member of Transac. IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information@and Communication Engineers of Japan) from 1994 to 1998.@He was a member  of the research comittee of JSCAI (Japan Society of Computer Aided@Instruction) 1990. He was the securetary of the curriculum comittee for inforamtion science of JSiSE (Japan Society of Information Systems for Education, formerly JSCAI), around 2000.
He is a trustee of Japanese Association for Education of Information Studies (JAEIS) since 2007.