Products for Developers

revised Oct. 10, 2003
revisec Mar 9, 2004

HCode1.5 by K. Onoki and T. Yaku, 1991

A data format for structured diagrams in a list structure

H2Code (HCode2) by Y. Miyadera

A data language for structured diagrams in a LALR grammar

H3Code Ver 2.0 by T. Yaku and T. Arita, 2003

A data format (detail) for tessellation tables in a list structure with demo programs

H3Code Ver 2.1 by T. Yaku,

PPT Source file
A data format, revised from Ver 2.0, the order of fields changed
PPT source files in preparation

FXL by T. Arita, S. Nakagawa and T. Yaku, 2002

A data exchange language for modular tables in a LALR grammar

MGC by T. Arita, 2002

A data structure for modular tables in specific program languages

Previous Versions

H3Code ver0.0 by T. Yaku, 2002

A data formats (outline) for tessellation tables in a list structure

Tentative products, password required

Code names are renamed, Feb. 8, 2004. Data format H5Code 0.1 for single layer geographic object is desigined.

H4Code ver 0.0 by T. Yaku, 2003 (under construction)
A data format (outline) for modular tables in a list structure
(previous versio, not available) H5Code Ver. 0.0 by T. Yaku, 2004 (renamed to H6Code ver0.1)
A data format (outline) of geographic objects designed for VR visualization with 2 layers.
H5Code Ver 0.1 by T. Yaku, 2004
A data format (outline) of geographic objects designed for VR visualization with 2 layers with 1 layer.
H‚UCode Ver. 0.0 by T. Yaku, 2004 (under construction)
A data format (outline) of 3D rectangular dissection designed for VR visualization.
(previous version, not available) H7Code Ver. 0.0 by T. Yaku, 2004 (renamed to H8Code 0.0)
A data format (outline) of multi layered geographic objects designed for VR visualization.
H7Code Ver 0.1 by T. Yaku, 2004 (renamed from H5Code 0.0)
A data format (outline) of geographic objects designed for VR visualization with 2 layers.
H8Code Ver. 0.0 by T. Yaku, 2004 (renamed from H7Code 0.0)
A data format (outline) of multi layered geographic objects designed for VR visualization.